
Bibliografía Obligatoria

Adams, Joshua. “Thinking of Google Search as #DigitalColonialism,” in Susanna Lindberg and Hanna-Riikka Roine, The Ethos of Digital Environments Technology, Literary Theory and Philosophy (Routledge, 2021).

Boczkowski, Pablo. “Medios digitales y campañas electorales.” 2019.

Chen, Brian. “How to Use ChatGPT and Still Be a Good Person.” New York Times, Dec. 21, 2022.

Collins, Barry. “I Interviewed ChatGPT About AI Ethics — And It Lied To Me.” Forbes Magazine, Dec. 2, 2022.

Costa, F. Tecnoceno. Algoritmos, biohackers y nuevas formas de vida. Taurus, Buenos Aires, 2021. Prefacio: El vértigo de salto a la escala. Cap. 1 “Big Data, Algoritmos y el Nuevo Orden Informacional”, Cap. 4 “Las formas de vida infotecnológicas”.

Delfanti, Alessandro, and Adam Arvidsson. Introduction to Digital Media (Wiley-Blackwell, 2019).

Gimena del Rio Riande, María. “De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales.” I Jornadas Nacionales de Humanidades Digitales: Culturas, Tecnologías, Saberes. Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales, Buenos Aires, 2014. Hasselbalch, Gry. “Testing ChatGPT’s Ethical Readiness” (2022).

Spence, Paul, “Las Humanidades Digitales y los retos de la representacion.”. En Isabel Galina Russell et al, eds., Humanidades Digitales: Edición, Literatura y Arte (Bonilla Artigas editores, S.A. de C.V, 2019).

Libros y Sitios de Web Obligatorios

Algorithms of Oppression: Safiya Umoja Noble (USC Annenberg video, 2018).

Crawford, Kate. The Trouble with Bias (NIPS Keynote, 2017).

Crawford, Kate and Ryan Calo, “Atlas of AI” (video) Distant Viewing Lab,

Ethical issues and AI: Global Outlook: DH:

Glossary of Digital Humanities Terms: Google N-Grams:

Orlowski, Jeff, dir. Social Dilemma (Netflix, 2020). Juxta Commons:,46&top=0

Robots Reading Vogue, Yale University,

Rumsey digitized visualizations:


Bibliografía Voluntaria

Bautista, Susana Smith. Museums in the Digital Age: Changing Meaning of Place, Community and Culture (AltaMira Press, 2014)

Berry, David: Digital Humanities: First, Second and Third Wave.

Crawford, Kate, and Trevor Paglen. “Excavating AI: The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets.” AI Now Institute, 2019.

Dvorsky, George. “The 10 Algorithms that Dominate Our World,” Gizmodo: Tech, Science, Culture (2014)

Fernández L’Hoeste, Héctor, and Juan Carlos Rodríguez, eds. Digital Humanities in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Geography 20:1 (April 2021), 291-294.

Gardiner, Eileen, & Ronald G. Musto, The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

González Blanco-García, Elena, “Actualidad de las Humanidades Digitales y un ejemplo de ensamblaje poético en la red: remetca,” Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 761, noviembre, 2013.

González Blanco-García, Elena y Paul Spence, “Humanidades Digitales y Filología.” Nuevos retos para el Hispanismo (2014).

Hearn, Alex. “New AI Fake Text Generator May Be Too Dangerous to Release, Say Creators.” The Guardian, February 14, 2019. backed-ai-writes-convincing-news-fiction

Hutchins, John: “The first public demonstration of machine translation: the Georgetown-IBM system, 7th January 1954” (2006).

Liu, Alan: The Laws of Cool Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information (2004).

Otsuki, Grant Jun. “OK, Computer: Let’s Bring Text-Generating Artificial Intelligence into the Classroom.” The Conversation (blog), January 24, 2020.

Pennenberg, Adam: The Book as We Know it is Dead (Interface 2011, 27th July 2011, UCL London).

Rojo, Guillermo (2016): «Los corpus textuales del español», en Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier (ed.): Enciclopedia lingüística hispánica, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 285-296.

Seabrook, John. “Can a Machine Learn to Write for The New Yorker?” The New Yorker, October 14, 2019.

Toscano, Maurizio; Aroa Rabadán; Salvador Ros y Elena González-Blanco (2020): «Digital humanities in Spain: Historical perspective and current scenario», Profesional de la información, 29/6, pp. 1-22.

Videos y Sitios de Web voluntarios

Crash Course in Media Politics:

Digital Information (Crash Course): Digital Humanities Now,

DH Commons, How Social Media Affects your Brain:

Pardo Kulinski, Hugo y Carlos Scolari: DGTL. (blog en español).

Piscitelli, Alejandro et al.: Cátedra de Datos (blog en español).

Posner, Miriam. “How did they make that?,” 8/29/13. ● How did they make that? The video!, Miriam Posner, 4/17/14,

National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities Lighting Round Videos: entations-the-2018-odh-project-directors-meeting

Scolari, Carlos: Hypermediacies (blog en español).

Social Media Versus Reality: